DC Durrence Farms Field Trip

DC Durrence Farms Field Trip
DC Durrence Farms Field Trip

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Welcome to Our Class

The students are off to a great start in school!  We have been teaching the students about school rules and working cooperatively with peers.  We are excited about the progress the students are making in class.
 The students will complete the following hands-on activities in small group the week of August 26:
*My friendly face
*Hair color graph
*Eye color graph
*Friendship Wreath
Please ask your child to talk about his or her day at school during your family time after school.  Thank you for allowing us to work with your child in class.
Important dates to remember:
Thursday, August 29
Pre-K Orientation
5-6 pm
(Visit our classroom to see what your child is doing in class)

September 10
Parent Volunteer Training
9-10 am
5-6 pm

September 11
“I Care Workshop”
5-6 pm

September 16
McTeacher Night
5-8 pm

September 19
"A Day in Pre-K" 
Parent Workshop
Pre-K teachers will offer a hands-on demonstration
of your child's day in Pre-K!

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