DC Durrence Farms Field Trip

DC Durrence Farms Field Trip
DC Durrence Farms Field Trip

Saturday, September 7, 2013


We will work on colors next week.  We will work on one specific color daily and complete hands-on projects to correlate with each color.  Please peruse some of the activities planned for the students next week:
·         Monday:   Wear the color red to school.
Book:  RED
Activity:   Construct a Strawberry Hat
·         Tuesday:  Wear the  color blue to school
Book:  Blueberries for Sal
Activity:  Taste blueberries/language experience chart
·         Wednesday:  Wear the  color yellow to school
Book:  Yellow
Activity:  Taste bananas/lemons
Discuss tart/sweet foods
·         Thursday:  Wear the  color green to school
Book:  Where is the Green Sheep?
Activity:  Taste pickles/sort skittles
·         Friday:  Wear the  color orange to school
Book:  Orange
Activity:  Taste orange foods
Color mixing (red + yellow=orange)
Thanks for your continued support and cooperation.

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