DC Durrence Farms Field Trip

DC Durrence Farms Field Trip
DC Durrence Farms Field Trip

Saturday, October 26, 2013


 October is fire Prevention month.  It is very important for students to learn about fire safety as soon as possible.  The students learned the importance of fire prevention techniques in class this week.   They learned to look for fire hazards and how to react in an emergency.  We completed the following activities in class:
·         Stop, Drop and Roll techniques
·         Dial 911 in case of an emergency
·         Shape Fire Truck
·         Personalized Stop Sign
·         Personalized Traffic Light
·         Hot and Cold Chart
·         Personalized Telephone
·         Fire! Fire!
·         Firefighters A to Z
·         Stop, Drop and Roll
·         A Day With Firefighters
·         No Dragons for Tea

Fire Prevention tips:
·         Stay away from matches, candles and  lighters
·         Stop, drop and roll if your clothes catch on fire
·         Never cook on a stove without adult help

Fire Prevention Website for students:

October 29:  Ft. Stewart Fire Dept. Field Trip

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